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Legal Notice

Inventor, LLC, herein and in all places involved on its website, correspondences and in general matters known as; "Inventor" is a limited liability company formed in The United States of America under the Department of the State of Florida Division of Corporations. Inventor's articles of formation include: Document Number L21000094928, Date Filed 02/26/2021, Effective Date 02/25/2021.


Intellectual property, herein understood as, “IP” refers to creations of the human mind, such as though not limited to inventions. Inventor is engaged in the activity of production and commerce of IP, notably, IP rights it has on file with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), ( in the forms of patented and patent-pending materials. Inventor’s practice of production and commerce of IP is guided by 35 U.S.C. § 101 35 U.S.C. 101 of the USPTO.


The USPTO 35 USC §101 statue recites,


                    “Whoever invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof, may obtain a patent therefor, subject to the conditions and requirements of this title.”


Patents issued to Inventor by the USPTO confer upon Inventor the right to exclude others from making, using or selling its patented invention(s) throughout the United States, as well as the right to prevent others from importing its patented invention(s) into the United States as per 35 U.S.C. 271.


Inventor practices under Article I, Section 8, Clause 8, of the United States Constitution that grants Congress the enumerated power,


                     "To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries."


In doing so, Inventor produces, markets and protects IP rights in accord with the USPTO.


Inventor produces and markets intellectual property under the Federal Trade Commission’s ( mission of:


                        “Protecting consumers and competition by preventing anticompetitive, deceptive, and unfair business practices through law enforcement, advocacy, and education without unduly burdening legitimate business activity”.


Inventor provides means for inquiries into its IP at Upon acceptance of Inventor’s terms and conditions, visitors to its website may review Inventor’s IP and complete the online form’s required areas and Inventor will respond to inquiries about its IP or the enclosed legal notice.


Inventor retains private legal counsel for the purposes of patent prosecution, contract formation, overseeing commerce, risk mitigation, infringement enforcement, litigation and general legal counsel. Inventor’s Senior legal counsel is Mr. Christopher J. Van Dam, PA. As a matter of professional policy, Inventor recommends to prospective purchasers of its IP rights to perform their own due diligence and retain their own legal counsel prior to inquiring about and/or acquiring IP from Inventor. However, Inventor does not provide compensation for legal fees on a prospective purchaser's behalf. Though Inventor does professionally recommend that a prospective purchaser retain legal counsel during communications with Inventor in formation of sales contracts, transferring and/or assignment or agreement of IP rights, recordation fees and any and all matters that constitute legal interests and where legal counsel would be better advised to be retained.


Intellectual property recordation and transfer in the form of assignment or agreement fees are co-measurable with the fee schedule set forth by the USPTO for recording IP rights transfers between parties and may be reviewed at: and are assessed upon the liable party(s).

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