invites you to
"Learn about LAMP"
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 845 8341 3950
Passcode: 418072
Thursday June 15th @ 1PM EST
"If I would of asked customer what they wanted, they would have said a faster horse" ~Henry Ford
It's not the technology that makes LAMP work, its people and their willingness to train and cooperate. One can only imagine how there would have been materially different outcomes of notable events that took place in our nation, had LAMP been available.
See what LAMP will do for you, your family, and your business revenues.

Hey, there is homework to do before the Webinar, cutouts to make, researching, and people to talk with. Here's a heads up!
Cut out the shapes that LAMP could possibly be formed into. On the back, in pencil, write their names. Think about the shapes. Model them in front of a mirror. Write on the back your reasons why some of them may work well. Get an opinion or two and remind those who you are getting the opinion from that this will be a real-life working LAMP that may be utilized by you or them. So take this activity within that light. Be prepared to model your cutouts (they can be black and white) and share your thoughts about them in the Webinar. As well, be prepared to see what others are sharing as we are all learning together.
Here is the .pdf for your CUTOUTS
Think about who would be your ‘Remote Contact Individuals’ (they are number 20 on the illustrations). These people should be those who have a sense of interest in your welfare. Inform them that you will be attending this Webinar and let them know that they can register for it too. This way when LAMP is available through your local municipality you guys will have a heads up on how it works and will be able to fly through training.
Read through LAMP’s Storyboard at www.inventor.llc so you have an initial idea of how and more importantly, ‘Why’ LAMP works. Hint: There will be conversation about ‘Why’ LAMP works. There is a one word answer to that question. I am certain that you will discover it when you perform your research on the page.
We will engage in dialogue during the Webinar. There will be prompts in the form of thought experiments. Half of them are listed below. Take a look, do some thinking. As there will be those at the Webinar, perhaps yourself or your family members that will utilize LAMP at some point, everyone’s thoughts and input are invaluable as the reality of just how LAMP may affect our lives and those we care about. So likewise remember, even though the Webinar will be light, there is a more notable and important reason we are having it.
So, let’s ‘Learn about LAMP’.
Here are some touchpoints and thought-provoking questions that will be included in the Webinar.
What is the benefit of LAMP?
Would LAMP improve communications and trust?
Let’s take a poll about who would wake up, turn off television, stop their work out…
Who is technologically adept, who is artistic?
Let’s gather up some ideas for how LAMP’s APP should look and function on desktops and cell phones.
Would your local municipality be more likely to license LAMP if it could be revenue positive after a time period from initial roll out?
Would you have a single person account, two person, family, business account?
Could LAMP have ever been used by you (without disclosing details)?
What is the benefit of having immediate access to video of interactions for all parties?
Who is a calming influence in your life?
Who would consider as Remote Contact Individuals (20) family members, friends, neighbors, doctor, attorney, spiritual advisor, work colleague?
Apart from policing, what other fields could LAMP be a part of?
Would LAMP be utilized in every interaction?
What really makes LAMP work?
Who works for a company that has trucks and vehicles, including shipping trucks on the road? Would LAMP help out if there were an interaction? Would there likewise be an “Opportunity for Mediation?
Would LAMP save on litigation costs?
Who speaks more than one language?
When signing up, what language would you request that the Remote Neutral Moderator (21) be fluent in?
Does the Remote Neutral Moderator (21) need to be located in your city or municipality?
Why are the police and people in LAMP’s Storyboard illustrations all colored gray?
Who could do a side-hustle as a Remote Neutral Moderator (21)?
AI is becoming a part of our lives, how will it be integrated into LAMP?
Could LAMP help to de-escalate interactions? How?
Would LAMP provide a feeling of less isolation? For who? How?
Would LAMP level the ethnic playing field? How?
Is personal, credit card or professional identification information required to sign up for LAMP?
Who would attend virtual LAMP training? Is training required before becoming active in LAMP’s system?
Who would attend a virtual/in-person hybrid LAMP training that is sponsored by the local police agency, perhaps one that take place along side an outdoor art show with food and festivities?
Are police officers and all associated personnel required to train in order to be active in LAMP’s system?
Imagine LAMP’s police training. What would look it like? Like or unlike other police training?
Would you think in your training that it would be a good idea to have your Remote Contact Individuals (20) in your training session?
Would you pay a monthly service fee of about $8.99 for LAMP’s service?
Would you set your LAMP’s APP to auto update?
Would your account be private for only you to see? Would you let preferred people have access to your account?
When would you NOT answer a PENDING LAMP from an immediate family member?
Think of those that you would like to have as your Remote Contact Individuals (20). Why are you choosing those people?
Who has a job where it is impossible to answer LAMP if it went off on your cell phone or computer? Who would find a way to do so if it was your son or daughter?
Who has children of driving age?
Who sees the benefit of LAMP over common police body cameras?
Would family members of individuals who have conditions such as Autism benefit from having LAMP? Why or how?
Would LAMP only work while you are in your hometown?
Who goes on business trips or vacations to places outside your hometown that are sometimes unfamiliar to you? Would it give you peace of mind knowing you could communicate with everyone back home in the event you become involved in an interaction?
In the event you were involved in a general and common interaction, would you save the interaction’s recording in your LAMP CLOUD or LAMP DRIVE? Why?
Let’s have an interaction, pick a person, any person you want to be. Here is the scenario. Someone is on their way home from the dentist, they have informed some of the Remote Contacts (20) they had a dental appointment today. The anesthesia is wearing off and they are a little teary eyed and wobble a bit while driving. An officer presumes the person is under the influence. -We’ll take it from there.
Imagine you could speak with the corporation that will acquire, produce and distribute LAMP through licensing to police municipalities across the nation. Imagine you could say, “Make it this way” or “With this”. What would you say to them?
Considering LAMP and all parties involved, what would be the one thing that you would want within the outcomes of police/people interactions?

Heads up about the meeting: While we will discuss the range and scope of LAMP and how its utility in relation to the apparatus, (see Figure 17) are performed, essentially it is the "Human Side of the Equation" of "Willingness to Cooperate" by signing up, going through and passing training that makes LAMP work. It's not the apparatus. It is people and police who also pass training alike that make LAMP work.
"Training and "Willingness to Cooperate" are the reasons "WHY" LAMP works."
We will take a look at the training process, and how individuals sign up, go through training and become prepared in the event they are interacting with the police. As well, we will set aside a portion of the meeting to talk about training and how you, yourself and your family members, loves ones, friends, co-workers, physicians, insurance agent, trusted attorney, spiritual advisor, neighbors and all those who you may wish to have as your "Remote Contact Individuals" would likewise train, be prepared and be programmatically alerted in the event you are interacting with the police. Or when your Son or Daughter is, and how you can ensure their safety during a critical interaction as you would be their and others "Remote Contact Individual". There will be lots to learn and discover. Come with a critical though open mind as someday you or someone dear may need to depend upon LAMP.