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Local Authority's Mobile Platform (LAMP)
USPTO Patent #10,887,550

OFFICER: "LAMP is operative and my and your
Remote Contacts Individuals are in the call now."

These first two images illustrate the parties that are involved in a general interaction. One is an authority, the other, a person.

Figure 17 illustrates LAMP (5) mounted upon the vest (24) of a Local Authority (17) and holding a conference call between Remote Authorities (19), a Remote Neutral Moderator (21) and Remote Contact Individuals (20) for person (1) that is illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1 illustrates the Local Individual (1) that the Local Authority (17) is interacting with.
The following three images illustrate the local and remote individuals creating accounts and signing up for LAMP, entering in personal information, signing LAMP's contract, a photo and Credit Card information. Local individual 1 has spoken with Remote Individual 20 (this was done previously during a person to person conversation) and requested remote individual 20 to be a "Contact Individual" in the event Local Individual 1 should ever be interacting with an authority. Remote Individual 20 agreed. As well, the Remote Authority 19 is entering professional data, a photo and signing LAMP's contract.
Note: "All" persons participating in LAMP go through the same account creation process.

Figure 4 illustrates Local person 1 inputting personal data, adding a Credit Card Number, Contact Individuals, a Photo, and signing LAMP's contract.

Figure 5 illustrates the Local Authority 17 inputting Professional data, a photo, and signing LAMP's contract.

Figure 6 illustrates a Remote Contact Individual (20) inputting personal data, First and Last name, Address, Phone, Email, Photo and Credit Card information.
Everyone involved with LAMP requires Training. The next series of 5 illustrations in relation to "TRAINING" are the reason "WHY" LAMP works. That is because, they represent the "Human side of the equation" where people freely elect to join LAMP and in doing so, express their "Willingness to cooperate" with LAMP.

Figure 8 illustrates a Local Authority (17), undergoing training with a Remote Authority (19), a Remote Neutral Moderator (21), and Remote Contact Individuals (20).

Figure 9 illustrates a Local Individual (1), undergoing training with a Local Authority (17), a Remote Authority (19), a Remote Neutral Moderator (21), and Remote Contact Individuals (20).

Figure 10 illustrates a Remote Authority (19), undergoing training with a Local Authority (17), a Remote Neutral Moderator (21), and Remote Contact Individuals (20).

Figure 11 illustrates a Local Individual (20), undergoing training with a Local Authority (17), a Remote Authority (19), a Remote Neutral Moderator (21), and Remote Contact Individuals (20).

Figure 12 illustrates a Remote Neutral Moderator (21), undergoing training with a Local Authority (17), a Remote Authority (19), and Remote Contact Individuals (20).
The next 5 figures illustrate how a Local Authority (17), Local Individual (1) general interaction occurs and how LAMP operates.

Figure 19 illustrates a Local Individual (1) interacting with a Local Authority (19). The Local Authority's LAMP (5) is operational and is processes, (8), (9), (10) are connected to a network.

Figure 26 illustrates a Local Individual (1) interacting with a Local Authority (17). The Local Authority's LAMP (5) is operational and is processes, (8), (9), (10) are connected to a network. The interaction is within the proper enforcement of a law, and the proper excercise of a right as illustrated by the presence of a golden start (25).

Figure 27 illustrates a Local Individual (1) interacting with a Local Authority (17). The Local Authority's LAMP (5) is operational and is processes, (8), (9), (10) are connected to a network. The interaction involves an improper enforcement of a law, and/or an improper excercise of a right as illustrated by the presence of a red X (26).

Figure 15 illustrates a Remote Contact Individual's (20) cellphone that has the LAMP app downloaded and is receiving a programmatic alert from the processes of LAMP that Individual (1) is experiencing an interaction with a Local Authority (17) and the interaction is outside the proper enforcement of a law and/or the proper exercise of a right as illustrated in Figure 27 above. LAMP's processes are programmatically alerting the Remote Contact Individual (20) of person (1) that person (1) is experiencing the improper interaction. The Remote Contact Individual (20) is responding to the "PENDING LAMP" alert and engaging LAMP's app for the purpose of joining into the LAMP's conference call and rendering assistance to person (1).

Figure 16 illustrates the cell phone of the Remote Contact Individual (20) who is real-time virtually communicating with Person (1) after engaging LAMP's app as illustrated in Figure (15) above. The Remote Neutral Moderator (21) has provided the Remote Contact Individual (20) of Person (1) and Person (1) time to communicate. The Remote Contact Individual (20) of Person (1) is checking upon the welfare of Person (1) and ensuring that Person's (1) rights are in place, and as well rendering assistance in relation to assuring that Person's (1) words and actions remain within the proper exercise of the rights of Person (1).
Notable Interactions

LAMP, robotically mounted when a person suffering with suicide ideation does not want another person near. A mental health practitioner is involved in the call.
LAMP, drone mounted
As you may well be aware, there have been notable interactions that have occurred and played out, and are being played out, in the national media. Lots of those interactions did not go well. LAMP addresses this cause. It provides an "Opportunity for Mediation" when a Local Individual (1) is interacting with a Local Authority (17). LAMP does so for the purpose of having all parties, Authorities and Persons alike, who are "TRAINED" the opportunity to come home safely to their families. When an officer is deputized the officer in trust receives a certain level of autonomy to practice law in the manner by which the officer sees fit. In view of LAMP when critical conditions warrant communicating with a superior, LAMP programmatically alerts the officer's superiors who may contribute to decision making should the officer request or require such contributions from superiors. This enhanced interactive feature affords a sense of shared liability so a single person does not shoulder all of the critical decision making. This feature reduces the stress load upon officers who have felt personal burdens of critical split-second decisions, particularly those that could have been made better.
In light of recent notable interactions that extended beyond the proper enforcement of a law, and/or the proper exercise of a right, those notable interactions had consequential outcomes. Lives were lost, careers were ended. Families of both the police and person's acquaintance were and continue to be torn with strife. Communities reacted, other life was endangered, and property was lost.
In one view, had LAMP been available during those notable interactions that played out in the national media, the outcomes would have been different. In fact, materially different. And the outcomes of future interactions will be different. That is the premise upon which LAMP was invented; to provide an "Opportunity for Mediation" that includes all vested parties, local and remote an opportunity to ensure the safety and wellbeing of those involved in interactions. It is for this reason that careers would have been secured and the persons who lost their lives would be still with us today.
LAMP's presence alleviates the sense of isolation from all parties through its interactive video conferencing means, people and those who lives move close to their own, both personally and professionally, will offer support during critical times. The peers (remote contacts as illustrated in the figures on this page) would have been virtually present to counsel the involved parties in those notable interaction within the interests of maintaining proper order through proper decision making. LAMP was not available during those notable interactions, and as stated, life was lost. When LAMP's intellectual property (IP) is acquired by a corporate entity, and LAMP is placed into practice, the outcomes of interactions will change. In the event you are an IP Attorney, General Counsel or Corporate Entity that is reviewing this page's information in relation to acquiring or licensing LAMP's IP rights here is that information.
To the point of isolation, some officers more recently have felt disenchanted with public service and have left policing agencies in view of what seems to be an anti-policing environment. It's not. It is lack of proper technologically equipped officers who are isolated with a person or persons and must depend upon their own thoughts and training to decide upon matters. Sometime the persons are known to one another, sometimes not. Through the process of research and development over time after LAMP is deployed, it will work better with each refinement that is taken in through real-world experience. LAMP, and the better outcomes it produces, will be seen by officers and the public as better policing. While LAMP will not engage every interaction that occurs, as no piece of policing equipment does, it will however play an ever-increasing vital role in interactions. Accordingly, trust will return and relations between police and communities will improve.
Everyone with an account, police, and persons alike, have instant access to their interactions as all interactions are video recorded and uploaded to secured accounts and disseminated to their respective parties. No more, "waiting to see what happened when it is decided that the video should be released" as is done with present day outdated body cameras that simply record and provide no real-time video conferencing for "ALL" parties that are vested in the interactions as does LAMP. This time delay dynamic causes tension in policing agencies and communities. And when video footage is eventually released, often times there is police and public reaction that is fueled by the wait, and the reaction and invariance between the people and police perspectives plays out in the national media.
And then it happens again!
Reverse Economic Paradigm
LAMP's as well provides a "Reverse Economic Paradigm " in light of those who willfully, though not mandatorily sign up for accounts and provide monthly service fees. LAMP will be the one piece of equipment whereby, after initial costs of licensing from a corporate entity, has the potential to generate monthly net revenue positives for a municipality. Net revenue positives will go over well with policing departments and citizenry alike by the funding that is acquired through LAMP's account holders. The funding revenues may be directed to the policing department for equipment, enhanced salaries and benefits, or other municipal projects as may be jointly determined by the policing agency, citizens, and city councils. And in view of such reverse economic paradigm, less taxable revenues will need to be spent or collected through property and local taxation to support policing. Be mindful, all of this takes place upon the free will of persons who feel LAMP is well worth it and are willing to participate in LAMP.
ADA, HIPAA, EMTs and Persons with Medical Conditions
A primary focus of LAMP is in relation to policing. Although its utilization encompasses a vast range and scope of fields of endeavor. For example, apart from policing, LAMP will provide its services to Emergency Medical Technicians, (EMTs). So, in the event a person is experiencing a medical emergency the authority, in this instance, the EMT, will engage LAMP so the EMT, the person and the person’s doctors can hold an immediate real-time visual conference, perhaps within the patient care compartment of an ambulance. The agility of LAMP to operate in the field of emergency medical care is an element that will provide a critical time and lifesaving technique as EMTs, Doctors, and persons such as family members can immediately virtually gather to conference about the persons health and medical conditions along with disabilities and disorders the person suffers from and medications the person utilizes. Because the essential benefit of LAMP is to enhance the state of the art of communications between all parties that are vested in an interaction, persons with disabilities such as 'Autism' may willfully, when signing up for LAMP's service, and as per the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) that is a federal law created with national standards to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient's consent or knowledge, consent to providing such information so there is no confusion as per the person’s ability to effectively communicate. In this light both EMTs and the police will readily recognize the reasons why a person may be communicating in such a manner.
Within the realm of communication, the "Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)" ( states that "persons with hearing, vision, or speech disabilities might communicate in diverse ways. And that, State/local governments, businesses, and nonprofit organizations "must" make sure they communicate effectively with people who have communication disabilities". Present police body cameras that simply record analog have no means to do so. And in fairness to police officers, they should not be expected to know all the diverse types of effective communication for persons with communication disabilities. Many former police/people interactions, through the lack of knowledge of a person’s disability, such as Autism, have not went well and the outcome was regretfully tragic. LAMP addresses this cause as it provides enriched sets of data and information so police officers, local and remote, and all those in a LAMP conference call inclusive of family member of the person with Autism will be aware of the person’s medical condition and disability and likewise respond.
988 Hotline and Suicide Ideation
Additionally, with the presence of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline that has been designated as the new three-digit dialing code 988. When people call, text, or chat 988, they are connected to trained counselors that are part of the existing Lifeline network that since its inception until the time of this publication has received some 23,044,100 and counting calls ( These trained counselors will listen, understand how a person with suicidal ideations are affecting them and provide support, so the responding officer can deliver further professional care. Often times police are dispatched to a person who is suffering from suicidal ideation and provide support via the ways and means that they were trained, typically via incorporating a comprehensive PMHC curriculum that they studies and practices in their recruit academy training. Although as LAMP provides real-time visual conferencing, the responding police officer would engage LAMP and connect it to the 988 suicide hotline so persons who are highly skilled in communicating with persons with suicide ideation may audio and visually virtually communicate, in a real-time virtual face-to-face format, with the person and render the best professionally trained thoughts for the purpose of the maintenance of the person’s life. Bear in mind that the letter "M" in the acronym for LAMP stands for "Mobile". So while LAMP is commonly portrayed as being mounted upon the vest of a police officer, and as it is battery powered, it can be drone or robotically mounted to reach a person who is at a distance.
In these formations, a trained suicide prevention specialist can have a quiet virtual conversation with the person experiencing suicidal ideation. This measure not only provides the best professional care to persons suffering from suicidal ideation, but as well supports the police officer and agency that is responding to the call. Policing departments and the persons within the municipalities they serve will readily recognize and want the benefits of upgrading their legacy body cameras to LAMP so ALL persons with complex sets of personal medical and communication considerations can be addressed according to their personal needs. Upgrading to LAMP will more closely satisfy the Federal ADA regulation that, State/local governments, businesses, and nonprofit organizations "must" make sure they communicate effectively with people who have communication disabilities.
The Remote Neutral Moderator's (21) Roles
Legacy body cameras provide no means for people with disabilities to real-tine virtually interact with medical caretakers such as doctors and nurses when they are involved with an officer during an interaction. The person may have medical condition that requires medication when they come under duress. Yet, they are left alone to fend for themselves and often time experience high heart rates and blood pressure leading to disoriented thinking and poor decision making and likewise poor communication. LAMP, as opposed to legacy body cameras, does provide these means. For example, when a person with a communication disability initially signs up for LAMP and is providing person medical information, they can elect to, as per HIPAA, to provide their medical background so when they are interacting with an authority a person who is trained, such as a specific Remote Neutral Moderator (21) who is trained in for example, Sign Language will be alerted to join into the conference call and render proper communication through interpretation between the communications of the police and the person. As well, the person with the disability may list their doctors and nurses as some of their remote contact individuals who can counsel the person with a disability and speak with the responding officer so that all parties have clarification in relation to the person's medical condition. And understanding is achieved.
The Remote Neutral Moderator (21) plays a vital role in LAMP interactions. As well as being trained for example in sign language, some Remote Neutral Moderators (21) will be multi-lingual. In that sense, when person initially signs up for LAMP the person can indicate the language(s) they are fluent in so when a specific Remote Neutral Moderator (21) that is fluent in both the officer's and the person native language needs to been reached, the programmatic processes of LAMP alerts a Remote Neutral Moderator (21) that has linguistic fluency in both parties' languages and can translate so better communication may be realized. Legacy anolog body cameras have no such means. And officers can not be expected to speak in every language of the person they encounter. This feature of LAMP largely contributes to understanding between interacting parities, and likewise mitigates misunderstandings that may occur due to various native languages of people and police.
Future Technological Advancements
LAMP will also capitalize upon and exploit future technological advancements such as faster network connectivity, faster processing times, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Quantum Computing. Advancements in technology will work in tandem with the human side of the equation where human beings are endeavoring to enhance the qualities of LAMP. Within the symphony of technological enhancements and human contributions LAMP will address its cause; to provide a fair and balanced "Opportunity for Mediation" when an officer and a person are interacting.
LAMP's Fields of Endeavors
Universities, colleges, primary education, security guards, private corporations, and for example; a shipping and logistics corporation that has a fleet of transport vehicles on the road and in the air day and night, may well utilize LAMP. Simply, LAMP may be employed within any field of endeavor or industry whereby it has an application. So, in addition to policing agencies, the entity that acquires LAMP would be free to market and license it to an ever-increasing market base.
So let's place LAMP in practical real-life context, shall we?
Superimpose yourself onto one of the persons within LAMP's Storyboard, for example, the Remote Contact Individual (20) of Person (1), you would be free to imagine who Person (1) may be; a young adult child, Spouse, Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Friend, Neighbor, Work Colleague. And you would be free to imagine the innumerable types of interactions that could be occurring with the interaction that is illustrated above. Would you be willing to pay a monthly service fee of about $8.99, to go through training and download LAMP’s app on your phone? If Person (1) were your child and LAMP alerted you at 2:20AM and you were fast asleep after an exhausting day, would you roll over and go back to sleep? Or, would you press LAMP to see what was going on and counsel your child? Yes, like myself, the Inventor of LAMP, of course you would press LAMP, of course you would talk with and virtually see your child. Of course you would talk with your child in the way YOU know best to do. Of course you would ensure their safety and welfare. And you would, of course, as well do the same for the people that you are a remote contact (20) of, inclusive of all the people listed above. And, you could have your Attorney, Insurance Agent, Spiritual Advisor, and all those, and really anyone you want, that cares for you and your welfare as your remote contact individuals. And of course you would most likely agree to collaborate with your remote contacts and agree to be their remote contacts and beautify the human side of LAMP.
Imagining LAMP’s Future
"Everyone will know everything in real-time" and everything will be saved to the respective accounts for immediate access. Yes, LAMP is the future. I cannot wait. Can you?
So once again imagine this, imagine that LAMP had been available during those notable interactions that played out, are playing out, and will play out in the national media. Imagine how those outcomes would have been different. In one view, the outcomes would have been "materially different". Perhaps, the individuals in those interactions may still be here with us today. Imagine how those interactions that are to be played out will be materially enhanced by the presence of LAMP. And accordingly, how their outcomes will be different in light of LAMP's presence and the presence of all interested parties through the enhancement of technology that LAMP provides, over and beyond present body cameras that simply record. If you had a choice today, which one would you choose?
As you may understand, it is the "Human side of the equation", the part where people who are previously trained that makes LAMP work. Effectively, LAMP gives both authorities and people the transparency and control of the recordings that ALL parties have a right to. When an interaction is set to occur an officer would turn on LAMP and inform the person the officer is about to interact with by saying, "LAMP is on". Or, the person that the officer is about to interact with would state, "I have LAMP, turn it on". And as both parties are trained, the interaction is enhanced through LAMP's service. That's accountability, That's fair. That's equality for ALL.
My vision, that is to say, seeing LAMP addressing its cause is my life's devotion. I am dedication to its cause. I hope that in the event you need LAMP that you are trained and are prepared to interact for your own welfare and the welfare of those you love and care for.
Robert Coghlan, M.S.,
LAMP's Inventor

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